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To browse Academia. Ewald Meyer. Michal Zourek. The study analyses cultural relations between Argentina and Czechoslovakia during the Cold War. The chapters, divided into decades, describe the most important events aimed at the presentation of Czechoslovak culture in Argentina and Argentine culture in Czechoslovakia. The emphasis is also placed on the political context. Well aware of the fact that the good reputation of Czechoslovak culture could be used to promote its political and economic interests, Prague developed an active interest in cultural cooperation already in the mids.
Until then, cultural relations had developed at commercial level. Czechoslovak music and film were renowned in Argentina. In Czechoslovakia, Argentina was famous mainly for its literature. No pretende ser un articulo de rigor académico, lo que busco es acercar un esbozo de la microhistoria del actual municipio de Quecholac, Pue.
Juan Antonio Le Clercq. El trabajo comprende el período posterior a noviembre de y termina con las elecciones celebradas en junio de , que dieron el impulso a la descomposición del estado checoslovaco. Gustavo Monge. The historian, journalist and professor from La Coruña Francisco Fariña, of whom we now celebrate the th anniversary of his birth, came to Czechoslovakia in His students played a key role in Spanish and Ibero-American studies becoming a university degree.
The political situation in Spain and professional jealousy clouded his stay in the Central European country and forced him to exile in Germany, where he died in Lupita Ruiz Cervantes.
Madhur Chabra. Joshua Searle. Robert M. Jonathan Josebo. Najmah Usman. Società Storica Vercellese. Justin Gohl. Abhishek Kumar.